If you are concerned about your fertility, but unsure about what action to take, you would benefit from an initial consultation.
If you have had fertility investigations in the past or other medical history, you may wish to bring this information along, in any case we will take a detailed history.
All this will be comprehensively reviewed at the consultation and you will be advised of all the options. This consultation can be enormously useful in avoiding unnecessary tests and treatments. We believe in doing the minimum to be effective and will advise you every step of the way. The initial consultation is a good way to see us for the first time.
- Medical history review
- Full medical consultation and plan

Comprehensive fertility investigation for couples
Get all the answers in one consultation.
This provides a simple and clear fertility evaluation. It is ideal for the couple who have not had previous fertility investigations and are wondering whether any kind of fertility treatment might be appropriate.
We arrange an ultrasound scan, semen analysis and at the same time obtain a blood sample for testing. The results of these tests are brought together and evaluated by our fertility Consultant before you meet. This means that your valuable consultation time can be spent discussing the actual situation and formulating a plan.
- Medical history review
- Full consultation and Ultrasound scan of uterine and pelvic physiology
- Antral follicle count (AFC)
- Hormone blood tests
- Semen Analysis
Most causes of infertility can now be understood and a plan for dealing with the situation formulated. Once the evaluation is complete your fertility specialist will discuss the range of treatments available and advise what is best for you. We offer some introductory diagnostic packages with the aim of saving you time and money and as a way of guiding you through the plethora of diagnostic tests now available.
Consultation, antral follicle count (AFC) and Follicle Tracking
AFC provides one of the best estimates of ovarian reserve.
Women who are concerned about their reproductive age, specifically the number and quality of the eggs they have remaining may wish to combine an ultrasound scan with an initial consultation where their antral follicle count AFC will be determined.
The results of the ultrasound scan will be discussed along with all previous medical history allowing an appropriate plan for future investigation or treatment. It is our objective to provide you with the information you need in order to make the right decisions.
- Medical history review
- Full medical consultation and plan
- Ultrasound scan of uterine and pelvic physiology
- Antral follicle count (AFC)
Tracking ovulation is the best way to identify the appropriate time to get pregnant.
Accurately predicting ovulation can be a little trickier than figuring out when day 14 is for you. Ovulation can be irregular or it can be affected by diet, stress or illness.
Ovulation is triggered by a surge of Luteinising Hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland. LH also stimulates the ovary to begin producing the hormone Progesterone. This surge normally occurs 24-48 hours before ovulation and can be tracked more accurately with blood tests and ultrasounds.
Who may wish to do ovulation tracking?
- Women having regular cycles, who have been trying to fall pregnant for several months without success.
- Women having irregular cycles, to help determine the best time to conceive.
Consultation and fallopian tube patency test (HyCoSy)
HyCoSy is designed for women who have concerns about their fallopian tubes.
The technique is called Hysterosalpingo-contrast Sonography (HyCoSy). A dye is passed through the fallopian tube under ultrasound guidance and each of the fallopian tubes is assessed for adhesions and blockages etc.
This is followed by a full discussion of the results and the wider implications for fertility and treatment.
- Ultrasound scan of uterine and ovarian pathophysiology
- Fallopian tube patency test (HyCoSy)
- Medical history review
- Full consultation and plan